Sunday, January 13, 2019

Navigate 3- LMS Tool Categories

Navigate 3- LMS Tool Categories
  • What is the function of the assessment? To determine if a student has mastered the material
  • What strategies can be used for the assessment? We can use the typical paper/pencil, online MC tests, Free response. For some students a verbal test is best, a conversation, a presentation. There can also be combinations of these.
  • What tools offer the greatest quality for the measure? The tool that is best for the individual student. Some are easier to measure than others (such as online MC tests) but the best measure is determined by the student and their learning style.
  • How is the learner informed of the measure and progress? Pre and posts test are a popular way of measuring progress.
Identify the major tool categories in Learning Management Systems.

Answer in your blog:
What are the most relevant features offered within an LMS?  Course content, communication and assessment methods, teacher information, grading records.

Which features directly relate to effective online instruction?  Assessment methods, feedback

How might you use these features in the online classroom environment?Students work on assignments and then based on the grade they are allow to review the material and retake. Feedback is a major portion of this as this is direct communication to the student.

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