Sunday, January 13, 2019

Navigate Reflection

Navigate Reflection

Consider the following standards:

  • Standard B: The online teacher understands and is able to use a range of technologies, both existing and emerging, that effectively support student learning and engagement in the online environment.

  • Standard I: The online teacher demonstrates competency in using data from assessments and other data sources to modify content and to guide student learning.

  • Standard K: The online teacher arranges media and content to help students and teachers transfer knowledge most effectively in the online environment.
Answer in a complete paragraph response:
  1. How has the Navigate module prepared you to meet each standard listed above?  Specifically address the standards listed above and link to or provide specific examples from your work in Navigate. 

    1. Online teaching is different than F2F in that we are given a platform but can add to the learning in any way we please. Often, I will look at what the students are doing, what the trends are in each lesson(Standard I).
    2. This is a capture of a oneNote in which I go over problems that seem to be a tough concept area in the course
    1.  I will then create video,  a list of  links, a set of examples, a online graphic, learning devise (standard B). Below is my YouTube channel recorded with Snagit, using BlueJ IDE.


Google myMaps

Spark in announcements

    1.  As online teachers we have to have many tools in our belt and know when to use them (standard K). We also need to know how. to organize this material to best serve the student. Do we embed in a lesson? Do we organize a YouTube channel, an online blog? Where do the list of links go? We must put this information in a place likely to be seen and used by the student. Below is an example of a Moodle lessons that guides students through the tools and lessons of the day

  1. What strategies will you take away from the Navigate module and apply to your teaching? 
    1. The differences between the LMS systems, which are robust and which have to have other systems in place to work in tandem.
  2. What lessons were most beneficial for you? 
    1. Course creation. As I teach Computer Science I often have to organize and create courses,
Criteria B - Navigate 1 Screen Capture: Explain how screen capture functions in the online classroom.
It is an additional way for students and teachers to show how a final product will look or different steps in a process. It is especially useful in Computer Science as there are many process that are foreign to students in these non- traditional courses. 
The following is a screen shot I would use to explain the different ways you can pick colors for websites.

Criteria B - Navigate 1 Screen Capture: Explain how in can be used to modify teaching methods.

Students who are working online often have to show me what a problem is. In Computer Science it is all about the problem solving so when the students run into a problem they have to show me what is going on. They can do this in two ways, video and screen capture. I teach my students how to use screen capture in both Mac( ctrl-shift-4) and PC (snippet tool) so they can do this. In the following example they had to take snippets and upload them in Moodle

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